Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chelsea and Ben are now The Carson's!

Chelsea and Ben were married just a few weeks ago on July 25, 2014 at Villa Parker in a beautiful, heartfelt, and emotional ceremony. Along with Chelsea's son, Cayden, and Ben's son, Evan, they are now a super awesome and sweet family.  

I have known Chelsea for many years. I am proud to call her a friend, someone who's smile can light up a room. Just look at their pictures. I dare you not to smile when you see how big and beautiful her smile is. Chelsea is sweet, funny, and a true joy to be around. Then there is Ben, Big Ben. Don't let his size fool you….he's just a big softy. I don't mean to out you, Ben, but while he looks intimidating, he is kind and gentle. He, too, has a laugh that can bring joy to every moment. Together, they exude happiness and love. 

Chelsea and Ben's wedding day was full of so much love. It really touches my heart when I see a couple look at each other the way they do. I'd catch Chelsea watching Ben from across the room, and she'd light up. Ben would be talking to a friend when Chelsea would walk by and he'd smile. One of their best qualities is that they don't take each other too seriously. They are silly and crack jokes at each others expense often, but it's all light hearted and in good fun. I have a ton of outtakes of silly faces and pure happiness. 

Over the years, I have photographed dozens and dozens of couples on their wedding day. It's easy to say how happy they are on their wedding day. It's easy to say that they will make it. It's easy to say that they love each other. Of course it is! It's their wedding day. But this couple, my friends, The Carson's, they are an example for others to live by. Just looking through their pictures, I know that their love comes from a place deep within. They are drawn to each other in a way that few are. Chelsea and Ben were made for each other. They are the same person. Where one ends, the other begins. They lift each other up and make each other better. I know that they are better together than apart. I know that because that is how I feel when I am with them. When I leave after spending time with them, I am uplifted, happier, and somehow feel like a better person. They are perfect. 

So, to Chelsea and Ben, I have a few rules of marriage to share with you. These are mine and I have never shared them with anyone else. 1. Don't yell, unless the house is on fire. 2. Don't apologize until you are ready. It will make it more sincere and your partner will know that it comes from the heart. 3. Don't give up. Love and marriage is worth fighting over. Our generation was taught that if we don't like something, just walk away. Your love is worth the fight. 4. Make a list of the things you love about the other person. Do it now while your marriage is new. When you hit a bump in the road, pull that list out to remind yourself of all the reasons why you started this journey together. 5. Marriage is not a noun. It is a verb. It is something that you do, together. 

Love deeply. Love with perfect imperfection. And please, PLEASE don't ever lose your smiles! Cheers!

(*All images are copyright protected. Please do not replicate or alter any images without consent or share images without the watermark.)

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