Saturday, June 28, 2014

Finally! Jay and Monica are Mr. and Mrs. Brewer!

Monica has been waiting for June 22, 2014 for a long time. 6 years, to be exact. Monica and Jay have been a couple for many years and waited until this moment, this day, June 22, to become husband and wife. They stood in the Pavilion at the Black Canyon Inn in Estes Park, Colorado among their family and friends as they took their sacred vows to love each other forever. 

The day started off, well, it was not so pretty outside. It was dreary, rainy, and windy. I sat for most of my morning with my phone in hand watching the radar. As I was putting myself and my gear together, which included my raincoat and umbrella, I took a peak outside. Was that blue sky? Could it be? By the time I arrived at the Black Canyon, the weather was moving out and the blue sky had settled in. Whew! I was relieved, but Monica was ecstatic! Her beautiful wedding day arrived a little late, but it was worth the wait. 

Monica had a nervous calm about her. She was beautiful in her pure white halter gown. Jay was ready. All smiles and ready to see his bride. And it was time. The ceremony was simple, but poignant. The love and happy energy could be felt throughout the day. They stood at the end of an isle decorated with stands of flowers that were handmade by Jay. Monica personally embellished her flowers with jewels. Everything about this day was assembled with thought, love, and care. 

One of my favorite moments of the day came in the form of a comedy of errors of sorts. I had Monica and Jay on the bridge for one of my favorite and most picturesque shots on the property, when suddenly, a bug flew right into Monica's eye! Of course, we were nowhere near a mirror, so Jay, very chivalrously ran up the hill (a steep hill, I might add) to grab Monica's bag which included a small mirror. It was a sweet moment and telling of their future together. That Jay is willing to climb mountains for Monica. 

Our time concluded as a white carriage whisked Monica and Jay away. They rode off like a fairytale. So to Monica and Jay, my your marriage always be filled with fairytale moments. Whisk each other away from time to time, and when bugs come your way, be loving and helpful to the other. It is at this moment that you must depend on your partner for help and to love you through the hard times. May the storms always clear before your special moments and may every day be filled with love, as it was on your wedding day. 

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